Monday, 5 November 2018

Best Antioxidant-Rich Foods You Must Add in Your Diet

Antioxidants play an important role in maintaining your overall health.

They are the compounds which work to protect the cells from damage caused by oxidants, which are mainly responsible for disease formation.

The reports of scientific researches state that the antioxidants are an important factor for the optimal cellular and body health.

These compounds help to prevent the premature aging and different chronic diseases like diabetes, cancer and heart problems.

Thus, it’s important to include antioxidant-rich foods in your diet to help fight the free radical damage. They are naturally present in certain fruits and vegetables. The lycopene of tomatoes and beta-carotene in carrots are all different types of antioxidants.

In today’s article, I’m sharing with you a list of foods which are rich in antioxidants and you must add them to your diet.

Let’s begin!

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Get Rid of Dry Skin this winter with Simple Home Remedies

Winter season is around the corner! This chilly season brings many pleasurable experiences and makes us feel fresh and alive. Cozy sweaters, boots, scarves and what not!

But unfortunately, winter is the time when our skin doesn’t like to cooperate with us. In these months, our skin tends to get dry, rough and itchy due to lack of moisture.

This happens because there is a drop in the temperature and humidity. It makes the skin dehydrated leading to dry patches as well as irritation.

Apart from weather conditions, there are some other factors also which cause dryness of the skin. These include insufficient moisture in the body, exposure to harmful UV rays, hot showers, using harsh soaps and chemical based face wash for Dark spots, blackheads, acne and other skin problems.

An effective lubricant is needed to rehydrate the dry skin. You can make use of many natural ingredients for this.

In this article, I’m sharing with you a list of best home remedies for dry skin in winter.
Let’s begin!

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What are the Top 8 Benefits of Sunlight for Your Health?

A long-term exposure to sunlight can lead to problems like sunburn, skin aging and even skin cancer. This is the reason that many people prefer to stay indoors and avoid direct sunlight.
But you should not completely avoid the sun. It is because a limited exposure to sun gives numerous health benefits.

Sunlight is the easiest and healthiest source to get vitamin D – the “sunshine vitamin”. It is almost as important to life as oxygen. With the help of sunlight, the body produces vitamin D.

For this, you don’t have to tan or burn your skin. An exposure which makes your skin a bit red produces an approx. 10,000 to 25,000 IU of vitamin D in the body.

Although sunlight has many health benefits but make sure to enjoy it at a limit.

Now let’s have a look at how sunshine benefits your overall health!

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Thursday, 1 November 2018

How Teenagers can Gain Weight in a Simple Way

Reason for skinny and thin body can be various such as poor diet, body metabolism  and unhealthy food choices.  Whatever the reason, it is necessary to find a solution that can help you Gain weight and build strong muscles.

Teenagers with skinny body sometimes feel less confident and prefer to stay away from people. After struggling a lot they don’t get the desired results which make them sad. It is a quite critical situation for both parents and teens. So, to fight this very issue, here are some simple ways that can help gain weight naturally.

Have a look!

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How Can Sleeping too much Affect Your Health?

For a normal person 7-8 hours’ sleep is important for Good health.
An enough amount of sleep help you stay focused and active during the whole day. After a tiring day sleeping for whole night can provide relief to your restless body. But it does not mean you have to spend long hours on sleeping. Quality sleep is important for health, but in excess can lead to various health problems.
Therefore, it is important to sleep for appropriate hours as oversleeping can put your health in danger.
Here are some side effects of sleeping too much.
Have a look!

Results in Headache :

If you are taking too much sleep, you are more likely to suffer from the headaches. This happens due to fluctuations in neurotransmitters in the brain, including serotonin during sleep, which in turn may be a big cause for headache.

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